Kiniro Mosaic and Bocchi
This is a great anime. Animation is nice. Girls are cute. Songs are catchy. No leftist bullshit. Story is engaging enough. Only complaint is that giving bocchi just a jersey to wear throughout most of it is such a shame. Can’t believe her name is Hitori too.
Kiniro Mosaic:
It’s fun enough, but I don’t think it’s nearly as well written or engaging as others that came before it. Think you can safely skip. Karen literally redeemed this show for me though. She’s a hilarious character. I want more loud, blonde foreigners in anime. She should’ve been an American too. The art is also very mediocre. It would’ve been good enough if the writing was better.
Halo CE Review
I don’t understand this game. I didn’t think it was very good. The story was kinda interesting but barely. Then there were a number of times I couldn’t even hear the audio because the game threw enemies at me while the character was talking. The two weapon limit was annoying. In the beginning when you don’t get much ammo for the humans’ weapons and you got to pick up from the aliens is so annoying, one because those guns just aren’t very fun to use and two the ammo capacity is stupidly low, so you’re constantly having to scavenge. I’d say the Covenant are decently interesting to fight. I wouldn’t have minded the flood either if it wasn’t for those stupid bugs the game throws at you. Then my favorite weapon in the game was the sniper rifle, but hardly any ammo was given for it. There was the shotgun though which was fun to use. I didn’t like there was no aim down sights. Many of the weapons just didn’t feel very satisfying to use. Then the levels where everything looks the same and the game gives no indication where you’re supposed to go. Think there was plenty of reused assets.
Grant Theft Auto 5 Review
A couple weeks ago now I finished GTA 5. It was my first time ever playing a Grand Theft Auto game. And honestly, I can’t really say I had any serious complaints about the game. The story was good, clever, and entertaining. The missions kept me engaged. The world was huge and had many things to do inside of it. I think it’s a 10/10. I don’t think anything I really have to say about the game would detract a whole point from it. And, mind you, I’m usually not the type to just go around handing games 10s all the time. I just think this game warrants it.
Pelosi Nonsense
Wow. She managed to say something so stupid that even Democrats aren’t buying it. And that requires a lot!
It’s also amusing in a way how people like her will refuse to say Donald Trump’s name, but they’re always talking about him. Doubly ironic that their slogan with the summer of love was “say his name.“What brave leadership we have in Speaker Pelosi. Think she’s from California too.
Url Migration
Okay, I’ve managed to move over the two urls that I wanted to. I got a bit lazy about it, finally got around to doing it right now. I think it’s the right decision. If you’re reading this, then you probably already know, but I changed the blog to, main site is I moved over my nextcloud server too to make room for this. Handy that you can just add a word in front of it and suddenly you have unlimited free domains. Migration wasn’t too difficult. Only thing left to work out is umami, that might be a bit of a pain. Overall, not bad. Didn’t irreversibly break anything I don’t think.
Tia Route - Amairo * Islenauts
I just dropped it. Sometimes things are just so phoned in in visual novels. So generic and tropey, nothing out of the ordinary—it’s just boring. Missing nothing if you skip this one. But that was just this game in general. Safe. It’s not bad, but none of the characters really won me over and none of the action or drama really grabbed it. I don’t even want to read Kanoka’s. That might just be even worse.
Joke Criminal System
I mean so let me get this straight. They stage a protest and hold up roads and get arrested and get charged. Those charges are later dropped in exchange for… five hours of community service. Brilliant San Francisco. Brilliant.
Recently, District Attorney Jenkins agreed to dismiss the criminal case against those 80 protesters, in exchange the group would need to complete 5 hours of community service.
Hahahahaha. You can even tell what you’re gonna get just from her appearance. No wonder they act like this. There ain’t hardly any consequence.
Bakersfield City Council Threat
These protesters are a joke. I’m sure the whole of the region was waiting with bated breath the decision to come down from Bakersfield, California. Probably also gives you an idea as to why these city councils always seem to be doing something stupid, because these are the people who frequent their meetings. She wasn’t even threatening Republicans, this was a room of Democrats. Lol. Honestly, I think the best move for Israel would be to give these idiots exactly what they want. They should mostly annihilate Hamas, but before they destroy the organization completely they should pull out and still leave authority in their hands. That’d guarantee their ‘prosperity’ for years. That’d probably be infinitely more cruel than Israel finishing their objective. Either way, Israel is probably going to have to heavily monitor the Gaza strip and let little in or out. Wonder who is this ‘we’ she’s referring me. It’s like when Muslims speak how they truly feel. Notice how the Democratic city council lets it go twice, it’s only when the police say something that she’s arrested. Imagine if somebody they perceived as right wing did that. Here, the room hardly did anything and just kinda ignored here.
Airi Route - Amairo * Islenauts
Finished Airi’s route. Admittedly, I’ve never been the biggest fan of this archetype of character. Yet, she’s fine. I’m glad they didn’t go with something overly dramatic for the drama—I think that suits moege best. The route was about being lost and finding what one wishes to do with oneself. In her case she found motivation to study the 蛍光石 (weird blowing rocks) because of an experience she had with out protagonist. Her personality too is rather subtle. At first glance you figure you know what to expect, but she’s rather clever and has a grasp on reality rare in her gender. Except she’s never loud about it and the game never makes a big point out of it, those traits just come through without feeling forced. She just possessed a level of maturity that our three other heroines didn’t possess. Like the other three were fine characters, but they felt less believable. Airi feels like somebody who’d actually exist and somebody you’d want to be friends with. Just a different feeling there I think.
Changes I Want to Make To Website
I think there’s a couple changes I want to make to this site. It’s not that I dislike it, but I just think it can be better. First, adding monero. Not that I expect/want people to donate to me, but more so to promote it. Also, I think even if you don’t plan to buy any monero, having a wallet is a good idea. The second is that I think I’ll move the web address. I want to create a more general website, instead of it just being a blog. I’ll probably move this to blog.insert.url and then have the general site be at insert.url. The first one is easy, the second one will require some effort. And I’ve been debating this, but I might just change the url. I’ll probably keep the same website and posts, just move it so it’s not immediately under my name. It’s probably for the best. I debated it too even before I made it public. Yet, I think I might end up in a job where your perception to normies is important. I’m just too disconnected from the average American. Most of my opinions probably aren’t exactly welcome, even if I hold back on the more extreme ones. It’s probably okay for right now, but might come to bite me later if I keep it up.