Phoebus' Personal Blog

Couple of Villians

· 293 words · 2 minutes to read
Categories: Politics
Tags: America

So, the other day, Dawkins decided to state something interesting. The description box reads,

A self-proclaimed ‘Cultural Christian,’ Professor Dawkins tells LBC that he is ‘slightly horrified’ to see lights celebrating Ramadan in central London during Easter and worries about a ‘replacement’ in this regard. He says the construction of mosques across Europe concerns him, and that if offered the choice between Christianity and Islam, he’d choose Christianity “every day.”

Which has got to be one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever heard. Keep in mind, this is a man who literally built a career on trashing Christianity, then when he finds out he doesn’t like what replaces it, he calls himself ‘culturally Christian’. If he was honest he’d just come out and say he doesn’t like Muslims. Except, these people are never honest about anything.

Two of the supreme archvillians (not exclusive to) of our time are probably Dawkins and Kissinger. They have probably done more to corrode Western civilization than about anybody else. I find it hilarious that they seemed to both have some sort of epiphany. I think in the case of Kissinger the layers of irony went even deeper. So, what prompted a sudden reversal in his thinking towards mass migration? That’s right, Israel, because of course it was Israel.

It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that…

I personally hope both of these men go down in history as the scourges they were. I’d sooner want to see America turn Islamic then I’d want to see America turn into them. Unfortunately, it seems we’re getting the latter. Just two absolutely awful, awful people.

Kissinger cake