Phoebus' Personal Blog

Story Brainstorming

Tags: Fiction

Okay, I need to come with with names.


Kalistina -> Kalistinians

England -> Albion -> Albinians

Rome -> Lavinium -> Lavinians

China -> Cathay -> Cathanians

Russia -> Sythia -> Sythians

Original Continent -> Altrix


Main character - Sulla

Slave - Eutropia

Reigning King of Albion -> Diodicias

Queen is dead

17 year old princess -> Agrippina


Story Ideas

Tags: Fiction

One of my life time goals is to write essays and stories. I didn’t have the strength or luxury to be a philosopher, but when it comes to stories I think that is something I can do. I’ve always loved them. I loved being immersed in other worlds. Three things I want to do.

  1. SAO type story, where the main character is a cynical sort engaging in a war in a virtual world while navigating everyday reality.
  2. I kind of want to imitate Rance. This would probably be the most ambition, since I’d want to spread it over three books. Main character would be an intelligent, but self-serving and not caring a lot for what other people want or think. Also, he’d be very horny and have few qualms about where he took out that energy. I want to replace the demons with an elven type race. Like the Kalars.
  3. Third is a more generic, highly idealistic romance story between a couple of high-schoolers. I’m not entirely sure what the main girl would be. It’d either be a Chitanda or a Shio. The real story would probably mostly be about her, but the main character would still have personality. Think I’d want to base it in a private Christian school of some sort. Then the girl would be coming from a well off family. She is highly conservative, possesses noble ideals, and dismissive of others.

I think the second one is the one that’d be the most work. I was thinking about it yesterday. I think the origin would be that once upon a time all humans lived upon a single continent, then somehow humans discovered a “new world.” Upon that new continent there lived an ancient race called the Kalars (or replace this with something else). The Kalars had a curse where they could only be born female, in all other regards they were outstanding. They were nimble, intelligent, orderly, lived long lives, and didn’t show much signs of aging. They integrate in nature. They live in a kingdom dominated by the same house that as long as anybody can remember has ruled. The Kalars should be portrayed sympathetically, but should also showcase their ruthlessness. On the edge of the continent there exists an island. This island will mimic England. On the continent there will be four empires. One is an imitation of ancient China, one is an imitation of Tsarist Russia, one is imitation of imitation of the Roman republic, and last is a Papal like state. Monotheistic religion in (fake) Rome, (fake) Russia, and fake (Britain). (fake) China would be the largest out of them taking up 1/3 of the human-side of the continent. (fake) Russia would be 2/5, then (fake) Rome and is the other 4/15. Papacy exists within (fake) Rome. (fake) China was powerful once upon a time, but is towards the end of the current dynasties and is plagued with problems. (fake) Russia is large and has lots of people, but is ruled quite backwardly - a society with little morals and where the upper classes of society own most of the land and people as slaves or sharecroppers.

Kamala Day

Categories: Politics
Tags: America

I think when I was last talking about the election here it was about Joe Biden. I assumed after Joe Biden was elected president in 2020 that we’d just get two terms of him. Then when the polls started heavily favoring Trump I thought we might actually get a second term of Trump. Then something I don’t think anybody could have predicted, Biden dropped out and Harris became the nominee. She didn’t just become the nominee, it seems like she’s doing better at it that anybody predicted. I feel like I just don’t belong to this country. I’m just culturally different. Belong to a different age maybe. In any case, I really don’t want my future to be tied to the Democratic Party. Kamala isn’t like Biden. She is much farther left, she has a will of her own, and has no idea about economics. I think she’ll true to push thru some really awful stuff. Giving all first time house-buyers $25,000, paying off medical debt for people, unrealized capital gains, and going after “big grocery” with price control. Especially these last two, they might never be made into law, but the fact that they’re even floating around is enough to scare me. Then she says she’ll “toughen border security” and provide a pathway to citizenship for illegals. I bet what’ll happen is she will moderately toughen border security then provide hundreds of thousands with potential citizenship. Great, they just got themselves potentially millions of voters.

Off the Edge Discussion

Tags: School

Interaction I had with a teacher.


  1. I wonder what exactly qualifies as a “Flat Earther”. Is the way you determine this is by some “journalist” walking around the street and questioning people if they think the Earth is flat? I think if somebody came up to me with that question I’d tell them I believe in its flatness to mock them. Well, yesterday I was hearing about how China is to blame for Mexico and America’s drug problems. I was also hearing from this Indian man about how China is financing Pakistan to attack India. I, for one, would rather show up to a flat Earth conference then those self-help ones. Sounds more fun. One day I should investigate some of the claims made by Indian nationalists for fun. It really doesn’t surprise me that she’d make the claim, and I also don’t know if she gave any evidence to show her claim to be true.

Tory Party Is a Bad Joke

Categories: Politics

This party is so pathetic. Like it’s so pathetic it’s almost hilarious. I can’t comprehend why white people are so gleeful about this fate. It honestly sickens me. There’s no point of being a nationalist or trying to protect something like this. The game is already over. Hold the memory of what Britain achieved - it’s no understatement to say that this island brought revolution to the world. The world may hate it for that, people often don’t want to change. But, don’t go around thinking this country is going to reverse course anytime soon. If you really think that you’re a fool.

Welcome to the Internet

Tags: school

I have absolutely no qualms about the internet. I am positively glad that I was born in the age of the internet. I have been exposed to so many things that I would not have been if I had not had the internet. I probably spend more time on the computer than I do going outside. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. During the pandemic time I wasn’t glad that people were getting sick and potentially dying, but I was glad that I could do all my schooling from my laptop. It was just natural to me. I like the freedom I’m allowed on this computer and on the internet, way more than I’m allowed in ‘reality’. I don’t really care if people look down on such behavior, it’s what I want to do. I’ve always been a bit of an outcast. Yet, I’m fine with it. I’m fine playing the role of an outsider. It isn’t really something that is embarrassing to me. I didn’t want to be like the kids in high school I saw around me. That just never crossed my mind. Probably as a result of that, things ended up like this. Though I have no regrets with what I did with all that free time I had. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without those experiences. If I could I’d return.

English Discussion Post

Tags: school

My association with ‘Flat Earth theory’ about begins and ends with somebody bringing it up as an object of ridicule. I think they usually bring this up because it’s a starting point almost everybody can agree on. Then after that the discussion probably starts to move towards other supposed conspiracy theories that are probably a bit more questionable—and probably political. My opinion on this is encapsulated in this quote perfectly: “If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.” To me, that’s what science is. It’s premised off a highly shaky foundation, so to look to it for absolute truth I think is wrong. Then I can’t count how many times I’ve seen some scientist or mathematician who may be very smart in their field of expertise, but is just absolutely clueless outside of it. That’s not necessarily a bad thing is they’re humble about it, but often times they’ll begin talking like they know everything. Science is useful because with it we can create new things. It’s useful to the extent it can do that.

Nothing in Particular

Truly, nothing in particular. There’s ants right now swarming near me. Apparently they like my retainer. I still can’t believe I have to wear this thing for the rest of my life. I was never taught how I should clean this thing too. Will probably get a new toothbrush to clean it then try to soak it in something. But I really don’t want to do that right now. I just feel tired. Maybe I’m always tired.

Finally Fixed

Oh, that took forever. But I finally figured out a way to fix the problem I was having. It blew up while I was in Japan, so I didn’t want to divert too much attention to this while I was there. As a result, I ended up not having my nextcloud server and website not running for like a month. Actually, it might have been longer than that. Fuark. Well, at least it’s working now. I shouldn’t be too confident though, there’s still a couple things I need to sort out before I think I’ll just leave it alone for a while. Managing a server fucking sucks. There’s nothing fun about this.

Gweilo60 Thoughts

Categories: Politics
Tags: China

If you’re not aware who gweilo60 is, then he’s a YouTuber that usually goes around China filming himself and giving commentary. He gets a lot of flak for supposedly being a CCP shill. Which maybe sometimes is fair and sometimes it isn’t. I would probably agree more with him than most of his critics.

I think he’s right about many of the things happening in the Western world. Maybe he’s a bit too positive about China sometimes, but I don’t get that impression most of the time. I don’t think going back to Canada to receive medical treatment for his wife is hypocritical. People bring up that alot, going something like: “Well, if you love China so much and China is this beautiful country, you spend all this time bashing Canada, then why do you come crawling back to Canada?” The first problem is that I’ve never really heard him sing the praises of Chinese medicine. The other is that I don’t see the problem of a Canadian citizen living abroad to receive medical treatment in Canada. That’s literally one of the things which being a citizen of the country entitles you to.